Fallout 4 Pc No Quests Continue Working With Father

10 Jun, 2018 @ 9:46pm

[SOLVED] HELP | STUCK- Not getting any quests after " Institutionalized"

I'm at the point in the main story where I have to talk to the four division leaders in the Institute. After doing so, I get NO quest at all. I'm with the Railroad working on Underground Undercover. And I did that as much as I could. The last thing I did is kill those Synth guards and then went and let Z1-14 know I did. I also did everything with Liam Binet. The last thing the quest asked me to do was to keep working with Father. So I went back to Father and he offers no quest or dialogue options. He just says his randomly voiced sentences. So I tried console commands and they don't work at all. I managed to skip past helping father via a console command and then it told me to go warn Desdemona. But I was unable to do that because when I tried talking to her, she offers no dialogue. Just says her random voiced one-liners. So I'm thinking okay, maybe something bugged?(And skipping via console commands obviously isn't working.) So I have a main save of right before entering the Institute. I loaded it, ignored the Patriot questline this time, and just did Institutionalized. And AGAIN, after talking to the four division leaders, I get NOTHING. No quest pops up to proceed. It just completes that mission, and then nothing happens. Even after talking to Father.(Again, all he says is his one-line voiced sentences. No dialogue pops up or anything.) Does anybody have any possible solutions to this? Yes I am using mods, but none that have any effect on the story. It's all been good up until this point where I literally can't continue the main questline.

Edit: Syrrah's solution of setstaging to force start Synth Retention worked! So if anybody ever gets this problem, do that!

Last edited by Irrapture; 11 Jun, 2018 @ 8:04am

Originally posted by รሃዪዪคɦ:

The Institutionalized quest is horribly bugged when going with the Railroad. It always has been and probably always will be. Issue is that the bug messes up the later quests as well.

One of the problems is that the holotapes that you need for the Institutionalized (network scanner) and the one for the Patriot quests (encrypted message) get mixed up, provided you even get (one of) them at all.

Basically, after Institutionalized is FINISHED and if you're doing Railroad, you'll first need to play Underground Undercover (the Patriot quest) then go help Father up to Precipe Of War when you're told to.

So, first make sure that Institutionalized is flagged as completed before trying to finish the other quests. In my case, it was enough to setstage Institutionalized to 200 after it got stuck at 150. This gave me the ability to teleport out and the rest of the quests could then be completed the normal way.

To get to Pricpe Of War, you are required to do a series of quest for The Institute. Once it starts, warn Desdemona instead of killing her and the Railroad quest continues. The Institute questline up to that point is: Synth Retention> Battle Of Bunker Hill > Mankind Redefined > Mass Fusion > Pinned > Powering Up > End Of The Line

Personally I haven't encountered the specific error you describe, but if there is no other choice, setstage-ing quest 000e2058 to 5 may do the trick according to wiki. This fires up Synth Retention.

Again, make sure that Institutionalized is finished before doing this!

Oh, and I suggest to keep that savegame somewhere safe, just in case anyrthing is horribly screwed up.

Date Posted: 10 Jun, 2018 @ 9:46pm

Posts: 5


Source: https://steamcommunity.com/app/377160/discussions/0/1694923613872627996/

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