lunar eclipse baby names (1)

The partial lunar eclipse that will occur on November 19, 2021 can be seen in Indonesia. For those of you who gave birth at the same time as this natural phenomenon, maybe you can consider a lunar eclipse baby name for your baby.

A lunar eclipse is a natural phenomenon that occurs when the moon is covered by Earth's shadow. An eclipse occurs when the positions of the sun, earth and moon form a straight line and the moon is in the full moon phase.

blood moon used as a wife for the moon that experienced a total eclipse because the color will turn red. The red color itself occurs due to sunlight refracted by the Earth's atmosphere and hits the surface of the moon.

Here we provide recommendations for lunar eclipse baby names for you.

Related article: Facts and Myths of the Danger of Eclipses for Pregnancy

Inspiration for a lunar eclipse baby name for your baby

Recommended names for children inspired by the phenomenon of a lunar eclipse for children Parents.

1. Ayla

In Hebrew, this name means oak tree. While in Turkish, the meaning of this name is moonlight.

2. Aurora

Is the name of a Roman goddess whose tears turned into morning dew. Aurora is also a scientific term for the phenomenon of the dance of light at the north pole, namely the Aurora Borealis.

3. Cressida

Is the name of the moon that orbits the planet Uranus.

4. Chantara

Taken from the ancient language of the Khmer kingdom in Cambodia, Chantara means moon water.

lunar eclipse baby names (1)

Recommended names for children inspired by the phenomenon of a lunar eclipse for children Parents.

5. Devas

The name of the Moon Goddess in Hindu belief, this name also means brightness or radiance.

6. Eclipse

This name means eclipse, taken from the English language. A lunar eclipse is called a lunar eclipse while a solar eclipse is called a solar eclipse.

7. Diana

This name, which is quite commonly used in Indonesia, turns out to be the name of the moon goddess from Roman mythology.

8. Elara

Still of Greek origin. Elara is the name of one of the moons that orbit the planet Jupiter. In addition, Elara is also the name of one of the characters from Greek mythology.

Inspired by Natural Phenomena, Here Are 20 Baby Lunar Eclipse Names

Recommended lunar eclipse baby names for parents' little ones.

9. Esmeray

In Turkish this name means dark moon or dark moon.

10. Eclipse

This typical Indonesian name means a girl born during an eclipse.

Related article: 77 choices of Indonesian baby names for those of you who have a high spirit of nationalism

11. Juliet

This name is best known for Shakespeare's eternal love story Romeo and Juliet. But apparently, the name Juliet is also used for one of the moons that orbit the planet Uranus.

12. Kamaria

The name means 'bright like the moon' in Swahili. In some Kamarian languages ​​it is also interpreted as moonlight. This name is of African origin.

13. Mahina

Derived from Polynesia, Mahina means 'moon'. This name is also taken from the Moon Goddess in Hawaiian mythological beliefs, namely the Goddess Hina.

It is said that Hina is a girl who is so beautiful that she is often bullied by men. Finally he fled to the moon to find peace and quiet.

Related article: 40 Inspirational Sun-Meaning Baby Names for Boys and Girls

Inspired by Natural Phenomena, Here Are 20 Baby Lunar Eclipse Names

Recommended lunar eclipse baby names for kids Parents.

14. Mayar

In Hebrew and Arabic, Mayar means moonlight.

15. Menodora

It is a name of Greek origin which means 'gift of the moon'.

16. Neoma

In Greek, Neoma means new moon. It can also be considered as the beginning of something new.

lunar eclipse baby names (1)

Recommended lunar eclipse baby names for kids Parents.

17. Nokomis

Is a name commonly used by Native American Indians, they are indeed known to often have names that are elements of nature. The name Nokomis means descendant of the moon.

18. Selene

It is the name of the moon goddess from Greece.

19. Umbra

In the phenomenon of lunar eclipses, the umbra is the term used to describe the shadow of the core that is in the very dark center when a lunar eclipse occurs.

20. Zenith

This name is quite commonly used. Zenith is the highest point in the sky. Usually astronomers use complex tools to map the positions and angles of planets by finding the zenith first.


Those are some lunar eclipse baby names that you can choose for your baby. Hopefully useful, yes!

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