Australia's oldest beauty queen claims another win for over 60s

Australia's oldest beauty queen, Robbie Canner has been awarded Australian beauty pageantry's highest honour.

Robbie Canner has been awarded Australian beauty pageantry's highest honour, 'Ultimate Role Model of the Year'.
Robbie Canner has been named 'Ultimate Model of the Year'. Visualize supplied.

Ms Canner, who has just returned from the Bahamas where she bimanual all over her Ms World 2018/19 crest, was honoured with the title of "Ultimate Character Model of the Yr" at the Australian Golden Sash Awards in Sydney along Sabbatum.

The highly-prestigious annual awards are touted as a "ceremonial occasion aimed at showcasing Continent beauty queens and kings WHO cause ready-made the near spectacular contributions to the pageant industry during the class".

Manuscript Canner was also recognised by Star Central Magazine for her "Breakout Style".

After existence crowned Ms World 2018/19 in Seattle close year, Ms Canner has proven that age genuinely is just a come, from trouncing out beauties from 22 different countries aged 26 and up, to close at the prestigious New York Style Workweek earlier this year in February as the creation's oldest sit to thanksgiving the runway.

"IT is a one up for the oldies and a one up for Australia and hopefully something colossal will come stunned of this. Old age is a DoS-of-creative thinker preferably than a life-shaping digit," same Ms Canner.

Robbie Canner with Andrew Denton when she appeared on 'Andrew Denton's Interview'. Image supplied.
Robbie Canner with Andrew Denton when she appeared on 'Andrew Denton's Audience'. Image supplied.

"I am busier than I have ever been throughout my career.

"I ne'er thought I would make up this busy at 60. I am supposed to be posing back and reposeful and going happening holidays."

Overmuch more than just a bad face, Robbie has twice taken introductory place in the Masters women's outrigger canoe race in Hawaii with her crew and is also a Position Preliminary Dressage prizewinning.

"I have been modelling since I was 16-years-sometime and have done film and TV work too. Since I won Ms World last year in Seattle, all these wonderful opportunities have fare upward and IT's because of my age. At 60 I have been featured in the media and graced the covers in 50 odd countries around the world. Age is no barrier these days," aforesaid Ms Canner.

Robbie started competitory in pageants as a 57-year-ageing, after losing her son Robert Falcon Scott, 22 to not-Hodgkin lymphoma in 2011. After Scott was diagnosed, Robbie began working with Tour de Bring around to raise money for cancer research.

Since 2007, Spell De Cure has raised much $40 million dollars, funding 322 genus Cancer projects, 24 profound cancer breakthroughs and helped to raise awareness of malignant neoplastic disease prevention to more than 110,000 school children across Australia.

Robbie Canner's prizes. Image supplied.
Robbie Canner's prizes. Epitome supplied.

Through the organisation, she created the Dred Scott Canner Young Tec Grant to help fund the research of two-year-old Australian academics perusing cancer. More than 750K in grants has been awarded yet.

Robbie is using pageant to help extended her cause or so the world.

"My goal is to just get one Mum to nuzzle her tyke as a survivor," she aforesaid. "If I get three, we're headed towards a discovery.

"I'm determined no one else will have to go through and through losing a child."

Being a positively motive influence with women over 50 and starting a conversation around the world about ageing with a positive mindset, is a platform Robbie is very grateful for, and enthusiastic about. She also wants to help inspire and give hope to other parents grieving the loss of a child.


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